Sour Orange Cookies Raw Vegan Plant Based Dessert

Sour Orange Cookies

Yes, I said sour orange in the same line as COOKIES and they are sooooo DELICIOUS.


Sour Orange Cookies Raw Vegan Plant Based Dessert
Sour Orange Cookies in the Sunset


I was over a friends house catching up over tea one afternoon and after hours of great conversation we strolled around her property.


Sour Orange Cookies Raw Vegan Plant Based Dessert


I must say her residence is one of my most favorite to visit. It is so peaceful, a hidden historical Fort Lauderdale gem sitting on the New River with tropical foliage shading the entire property. Only glimmers of sunshine sneaking past the few areas where the wind parted through the branches. I can go on and on…


Sour Orange Cookies Raw Vegan Plant Based Dessert
Sour Orange Cookies


Anyways, then there it was, a sour orange tree over hanging my car. Needless to say,  she sent me off with an arm full. It took me a few days to decide what I was going to make with them and then it hit me, cookies! Never have I ever had a sour orange cookie and now… they are my favorite.


Sour Orange Cookies Raw Vegan Plant Based Dessert
Do you see the Palm trees in the glass top? How fun ❤


5 from 1 reviews
Sour Orange Cookies
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
The cookie you never thought of eating and will soon crave after you taste these.
Recipe type: Dessert
Serves: 12
  • 1½ cup almonds
  • ½ cup sour orange juice
  • ¼ cup agave
  • 4 roughly chopped dates
  1. Toss all ingredients into food processor until well blended (doughy consistency will not form while mixing)
  2. Transfer mix into a bowl and refrigerate for 45 mins
  3. Then form into your favorite cookie shapes and place on parchment paper
  4. Enjoy
  5. In the event you have left overs... save in the refrigerator for a snack later


Enjoy this adventurous creation I made. Who knows it may become your new favorite also!


Sour Orange Cookies Raw Vegan Plant Based Dessert
Sour Orange Cookies

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